innovation to promote prevention

Great success at the Rimini 2022 Meeting, with the ANIA Foundation innovation to promote prevention -

August 27th, 2022

"A passion for man": this is the title of the 43rd edition of the Rimini Meeting which took place from 20 to 25 August.

The ANIA Foundation - already a protagonist in past editions dedicated to prevention, protection and safety - proposed again in 2022 initiatives aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and prevention, thanks to's Participated Diagrams.

The Participated Diagrams were created to inform and train small local communities on good prevention practices, with a new approach: physical - that is tangible and perceptible through senses other than sight - and playful.

An active, experiential and shared learning methodology, which successfully copes with the need to find new languages to significantly expand the culture of prevention and achieve new collective objectives of awareness.

The participatory experience develops through 2 diagrams:

- In the first, the participants answer - passing a thread through a series of rings - at first simple questions, about their lifestyle, and then more complex ones, related to good preventive behaviors. The goal is to verify the degree of information of the participants and make them aware of their information gap, so as to arouse their curiosity about the correct information and guide them to learning.

- The second investigates - through the positioning of colored pieces on a panel - the behavior of the participants on secondary prevention, that is, on the controls that allow the early diagnosis of oncological and cardiovascular diseases.

The 6-day assessment was a success, with more than 1,000 people animating the diagrams and learning good prevention practices.

Reading the diagram, we find a fairly fit population, with a focus on the risk factor of alcohol consumption and improvements to be made on nutrition and movement protection factors.

Good awareness of the risks of excessive consumption of fats and sugars. Less well known is the knowledge of the correct doses of fruit and vegetables to be consumed daily and the frequency of cardiovascular and oncological disease prevention tests.

Contact us if you want to propose a useful and fun activity within your company's health and wellness programs!